Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Next Gen Digital Library

Mrs. Young and I are so grateful for the opportunity to provide digital experiences to our students as they learn with iPads this year in the library.  So far we've already used iPads with book clubs to explore the South Pole via a live feed, to learn about verb tenses & homophones with an assessment app called Nearpod, and have used the digital touch screen to make a giant chart about context clues.  We are saving time by using the online catalog on the iPads, instead of having to jot down call numbers and go back and forth between a desktop and the stacks. Two students are serving as interns to help manage the iPad collection, taking care that the devices are charged and security stowed overnight. We are starting our giant project with Library Leaders and other groups on campus to film "Reading Rainbow"-style book talks that promote our collection and get the word out about new, exciting books on our shelves. The excitement is palpable, the ability to instantly engage & assess is so convenient, and kids are getting access to technology that is new to many of them, preparing them to be the "techies" of the future! 

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