The FNE Library is excited to announce the Special Reading Spot Contest!
Is your family traveling somewhere special for Thanksgiving or Winter Break? Grab your digital camera, a favorite book, and capture a special reading spot or pose to enter.
Students might be found reading in a refrigerator, near an important landmark, in a basketball hoop, or any place their imagination takes them. In the photos, students should be visibly reading a favorite book (see examples below). The 10 most creative pictures will win, and these photos will be enlarged for display in the library and shared on the morning news. All participants will receive an award, even if the image is not chosen for display in the library.

Contest rules:
*The school-wide contest runs from NOW until Tuesday, January 11, 2011.
*Participating students must turn in a 4 x 6 or 5 x 7 photo print of their entry along with a participation form. Note: Use the highest resolution your camera will allow. Participation forms are available in the library on this blog!
*Entries will be voted on by staff and the ten winners will then need to provide a digital version of their image so that we can enlarge it for display in the library. Email digital copies to Mrs. Fournier!
*Please note that camera-phone photos do not have a high enough resolution to print in an enlarged size.

Happy Reading!
-Mrs. Fournier