Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Library Night!
We are also having the second installment of our Parenting Series Tonight. Pizza will be served at 5:30 in the cafeteria, followed by the Literacy@Home lecture here in the library. I will be giving a presentation on how to make the library work for your student at home. I will distribute flyers with usernames and passwords to all who attend in order to access our wonderful databases and subscription websites at home! There will also be special breaking news from my six ace reporters- Mackenzie, Quimara, Andy, Daniel, Angili and Nick!
See you at 4:30, Eagles!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sylvan Dell eBooks free online!
Sylvan Dell Publishing is now producing an online reading program with 45 eBooks, each with selectable English and Spanish text and audio. The books are fun, fictional stories involving animals and nature and with spectacular art, but there is a lot more. The back of each book has a 3-5 page educational section called For Creative Minds that you can explore with your child.
Also, each title has its own homepage loaded with 30-40 pages of cross-curricular teaching activities and three interactive quizzes and it is all free online. We think you’ll find this program an interesting integration of fun reading with the option of serious science, math, geography and language learning. It is all online, so with broadband access from home or the library you can make this a family reading and learning event.
Because our school has this eBook site license, you and your family have complete access to this resource from your home computer and we encourage you to enjoy it with your children. A flyer was sent home this week with instructions on how to access this resource at home. Call the library at 464-6790 if you need help, or attend any Library Night for a flyer with the passwords for all of our wonderful resources! I will also be discussing these resources at length on our Literacy at Home Parenting Series on 12/15 from 5:30-6:30. Pizza will be served in the cafeteria at 5:00 pm.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving Holidays

Thank you, D'Anna Youngman, Brenda Speck, Hamid Velji, and Alison Seerley! I couldn't do it without your help!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Library Night - Science Research!

BookFlix is a website we subscribe to where kids can see a short movie version of a book, paired with a similiar nonfiction text that can be read aloud as they turn the pages. You can even check out BookFlix at home

We hope to see you at our next Library night- it's 12/15, 4:30-6:00. Come check out books, math or science kits and check out some of our educational subscription websites! I hope to see you there. There will also be pizza served at 5:30 before the next Parent Education Series, also taking place in the library.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Math and Science Books and Kits!
Forest North is proud to announce our new collection of science books and kits and math kits specifically for parents to help their children. Explore our solar system, experiment with force and motion, or learn zany animal facts together. It’s a great way to be involved in your child’s education and will familiarize you with our curriculum.
Our science Activity kits include vocabulary cards, ideas for experiments, and all the supplies needed for the experiments. They also include fun stuff like rubber stamps, stopwatches, balloons, magnifying glasses and electric circuits! Here are the kits we have available:
Force & Motion
Properties of Earth
Rocks & Soil
Solar System
These books and activity kits can be checked out and taken home. We have special library accounts just for parents, so come by to set one up! The library is open to parents before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays or at our monthly Library night (next one is 11/17 4:30-6:00). Parents can check out anything from our regular collection as well as from our special parenting section. Our parenting section includes books on being a parent and helping your child become a successful, contributing member of our community both socially and academically. Help your son or daughter succeed through the library today!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Economics Fair!

To show off their new knowledge, they hosted an economics sale, selling entirely handmade goods and services. They generously donated all of their profits to the Make a Wish Foundation.
I was lucky enough to buy a pet rock from Desiree for $.25 and a bookmark from Aaron for $.50. My pet rock (named Desiree, of course) is now happily living on the library circulation desk, and my bookmark is trustily keeping my place in my book!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Red Ribbon Week for Healthy Lifestyles
On Monday, we wore red to show we are "Reddy to Live a Healthy Lifestyle." Tuesday was "Hats off to a Healthy Lifestyle"... I saw sombreros, baseball caps, toboggans, fedoras and berets! Wednesday, we wore our shirts backwards to "Turn Your Back on an Unhealthy Lifestyle."
Today, Thursday, we decided to "Sock it to a healthy lifestyle!" We are wearing wacky, silly, odd socks to celebrate our choice to not do drugs! Here are some of the wacky socks that were spotted in the library:

Pictured: Abby in 3rd, Ariel in 2nd, Mrs. Benson, Erbey in 2nd, Ms. Lajaunie, Ashlyn in 2nd, Mrs. Decker, Stephanie in 2nd, Mrs. Fournier, Shelby in 4th, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Mills
Monday, October 26, 2009
Spirit Night at Double Dave's!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Library Nights!
I wanted to invite you to come to each monthly Library Night. We will have books for students, of course, but I'd also like to highlight our wonderful section of parenting books. Forest North has been focusing on this section to help our students succeed at home and at school!
The Library will be open from 4:30 to 6:00 pm the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Those dates are as follows:
November 17th
December 15th
January 19th
Feburary 16th
March 23rd (this one is delayed a week for Spring Break- have fun!)
April 20th
May 18th
I look forward to seeing all of you on November 17th for an extra special time to checkout books with parents!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Forest North Welcomes Ms. Jacobs!

Monday, October 19, 2009
Forest North is Exemplary!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fall 2009 Book Fair!

The Forest North Book Fair will take place October 5th-9th during regular school hours. We will have a special Book Fair night on Monday, October 5th from 5:30-6:30 pm. Come out and support our school and library. We'll see you then!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Kristen Fournier, new librarian
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Book Fair Evening Event

Thanks to all who came to the book fair night. We enjoyed popcorn, book sales, and a fun raffle. Thanks to Ms. Newberry for being our raffle caller.
Congratulations to all of our raffle winners who won $10 in free books!
Ruby Newberry
Paul Sonnenberg
Sarah Henson
Melkon Harutunian
Francia Harutunian
Nicky Butler
Mary Harris
Conner Harris
Claudia Guerra
and one unclaimed number 719052. If this was you, bring in your ticket stub to recieve $10 in books.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Book Fair Rescheduled

Due to the district concern over the Swine Flu, we have rescheduled our book fair for May 11th - May 15th.
Thanks for your flexibility!
Attention 5th Graders and Parents!
The dates/times are as follows:
Canyon Vista MS - Wednesday, May 27 at 6 p.m.
Cedar Valley MS - Monday, May18 at 6:30 p.m.
Chisholm Trail MS - Thursday, May 7 at 6 p.m.
Deerpark MS - Wednesday, May 20 6 p.m.
C. D. Fulkes MS - Thursday, May 28 at 6 p.m.
Grisham MS - Tuesday, May 26 6:30 p.m.
Hopewell MS - Monday, June 1 at 6 p.m.
Ridgeview MS - Tuesday, May 19 at 6 p.m.
Walsh MS - Thursday, May 21 at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Evening Hours at the Library

I'm excited to announce that Forest North will be opening its doors for evening library hours! Everyone is welcome!
Please note that for the May 26th date you will have to be in good standing with the library to participate. This means that all books from the school year will have to be turned in and any lost/damaged fines paid by that point.
I'm looking forward to spending some fun time with everyone soon!
Feel free to contact me with any questions at 464-6790.
~Mrs. Thrift
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Check out the Third Grade Blog!
They have been to the library to practice their blogging skills, and now they are ready to blog about the books they are reading in class.
You can look at their blog here: www.fnthirdgradeteam.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
BookEater's Begin!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Night of the Eagles Enjoyed by All!
Book Clubs are in full Swing!
The BookEaters Book Club is learning about how to make a VoiceThread. When we have our first VoiceThread ready to publish, look for it here!
~Mrs. Thrift
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New Book Clubs coming soon!
BookEaters Book Club
Rather than being centered around a single book, 4th and 5th grade boys and girls share what they are reading and hear about what others are reading. This book club will integrate technology in new ways, using wikis, blogs, and podcasting. Your child should come to each meeting ready to share about what they have read. Your child will bring his/her lunch into the library during discussion time. The Spring session runs from February 2 to April 30. Ten slots are open.
Eagle Girls Book Club
This book club is open to 4th and 5th grade girls. We will be reading from several fiction genres. The students will be responsible for reading one chapter a week. We will discuss the chapter in the library on Wednesdays during lunch. Your child will bring her lunch into the library during discussion time. The Spring session runs from February 2 to April 30. Ten spots are open.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Eagle Girls Book Club Wraps up the Semester!
Thanks for a great semester!
Sci-Fi Book Club Wraps up the Semester!
As a culminating activity, on the last day of book club we performed short circuit experiments. Using sample models and batteries, wires, and light bulbs, we predicted which models would light the lightbulb based on the arrangement of the elements. Then we tested each model to see if we were right!
Thanks for a fun semester!
Science Fair Projects!
The deadline is rapidly approaching! If you need help with your science fair project research, please talk to me as soon as possible. I am more than happy to help you find the information you need.
In addition, I will be hosting a research day in the library, dedicated to helping you with research all day. This will probably take place the week of the 12th. If you think you need help, tell your teacher and have them sign you up on the schedule to work with me!