Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Book Fair Carnival Family Event!

The Book Fair Carnival Family Event last night was a blast! We had lots of fun Carnival acts including Madame Zora the Fortune Teller (Mrs. Perkins), Mrs. Talley the Amazing Acrobat, Soccer Tricks with Ms. Moore, the World Famous Face Painting Troupe (Mrs. Doolittle, Dr. Stallworth, Ms. Sayaovong, Mrs. Nixon, and Mrs. Peyton), the Stupendous Wandering Jugglers (Ms. Potral, Mrs. Hermansen and Ms. Mhatey), Mrs. Mills who can guess your weight and age or will give you a prize, Sohlin's lovely-lashed mom and grandma making awesome balloon animals (thanks Kimra!) Templeton and Rachel Albin as the dog&human singing&dancing act, and free popcorn from our lovely PTA moms Mrs. James, Mrs. Katzman and Mrs. McNair.

Thanks to all who helped- especially Mrs. Bibb, Mr. Fournier and Carolyn for helping out behind the cash register! I think the kids had an awesome time and it really helped build community. We also raised some money for the Forest North Library to buy new books, and in this time of budget crisis, it was greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone!

Mrs. Fournier
Ringmaster & Librarian

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