1. Visit the Austin Public Library! The Spicewood Branch is only a few miles from Forest North. Get unlimited free checkouts with a library card. Check out the amazing programs they're having this summer, too!
2. Come visit Forest North during Summer Library Hours. Our library will be open during the summer on these Tuesdays from 4:30-6:00 pm. Come check out some books, play games with teachers, and see your friends!
- Tuesday, June 16th
- Tuesday, June 30th
- Tuesday, July 14th
- Tuesday, August 11th
3. We'll also have our 2nd annual LIBRARY LOCK IN on Wednesday, July 29th, so save the date now! More information on that to come!
5. Read something fun! Find something that's interesting for you. Here are some ideas:
- Next year's Texas Bluebonnet Award books for kids in 3rd-6th grades.
- Next year's Lone Star Reading List for middle school readers
- Adults should read too! Check out this year's Lariat Reading List!
- Next year's 2x2 Reading List for readers 2 years - 2nd grade.
- The New York Times Best Seller List for middle grade fiction
- Horn Book Magazine's recommendations for newly independent readers ( entering1st-2nd)
- Horn Book Magazine's recommendations for intermediate readers (entering 4th-6th)
- Horn Book Magazine's recommendations for picture books (fiction & nonfiction)
- Most of all, read what YOU like. Anything and everything counts as reading!
- Think you're too busy to read? You're not! Read on your way to your grandma's, while you wait at the doctor, while you're at your sister's swim practice. Read in the edges and you'll always be in the middle of a book!
7. Take a photo! Make your title match your setting and save that snapshot for our annual Special Reading Spot Photo Contest!
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